Contact / Imprint
Sinnwerkstatt, Hanns-Martin Wagner Location Plan
Nürtinger Strasse 84, D-73230 Kirchheim unter Teck, Phone: +49 176 3041 8332
E-mail: , USt-ID: DE258467107
Sinnwerkstatt GmbH Switzerland
Oberrenggstrasse 14A, CH-8135 Langnau am Albis, Phone: +41 79 587 76 13
E-mail: , MwSt-Nr.: CHE-113.293.533 MWST
Internet:;; Youtube
Blog: Spiel und Kunst mit Mechanik Editor: Falk Keuten
Graphic design: Ina Ludwig Web design and programming: Juri Ehret
Picture Credits: Ali Schüler, Anja Luithle, Stefan Schwab, Michael Barbulescu, Markus Brändle, H.-M. Wagner
Liability advice: In spite of permanent control we do not assume liability for contents of external links. Responsibility for contents of linked sites lies solely with the according owners and operators.